Tools that Will Make you More Productive in 2022

Productivity and efficiency are crucial to business these days. The workplace has been shaken up since the start of the pandemic. Some teams are working fully remote, some are hybrid, while some are back in the office. No matter what your situation is, productivity tools improve efficiency and productivity among your teams.  There are many…

How Microsoft 365 Defender Can Shield Your Company From Phishing Scams

Phishing can lose you a lot of money and expose sensitive information. Microsoft 365 Defender can dramatically mitigate this risk with several features.  Phishing attacks are a severe threat to your business. These fraudulent actions can cause your team members to accidentally share financial, customer, and account information with cybercriminals.  How does this happen? The…

Scaling your business doesn’t just entail having suitable systems, staff, or partners. It also includes finding new and innovative ways to save time and money. And that’s where Virtual Reality (VR) technology comes in.

What is virtual reality, or VR?  VR is the technology that immerses you in a simulated digital environment. Wearing headsets and glasses, you enter the digital simulation and have a real-world experience.  When you think of VR, you might imagine a dark room full of gamers trying to outdo each other in their quest to…

How to Setup your Router for Customers, Vendors, Reps, Visitors

Your business may have many different visitors, from customers to vendors, you should have your router set up to enable them all to safely connect to WiFi while protecting your network. Having a steady and reliable internet connection is paramount to many jobs, and as such, it is nice for visitors, vendors, reps, and more…

Increasing productivity in your business doesn’t just entail optimizing your equipment and sharpening your attention. Decluttering your computer desktop is also essential.

A clutter-free office is paramount to improving your productivity. Piles of stationery on your desk can cause you to waste a lot of time searching for a critical document. As a result, you’re less likely to meet deadlines.  Clutter can affect you in various indirect ways, too.  It can dramatically reduce your cognitive abilities, impairing…

An effective way to bolster your business’s data security is to work with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) or I.T. Service Provider (ITSP). They address network vulnerabilities to prevent cybercriminals from exploiting them.

Besides monitoring and organizing your servers, a Managed Service Provider (MSP) or I.T. Service Provider (ITSP) plays a pivotal role in the cybersecurity program of your business. They implement several strategies to shield your network from attacks and protect your data.  For instance, many providers use email authentication protocols to monitor your server’s vulnerabilities. They…

A New Constantly Mutating Polymorphic Malware Tardigrade

The cyber security threats keep coming, and it seems as though they are only picking up speed. Recently, constantly mutating malware has been found targeting the biotech industry. The malware has been named Tardigrade due to its ability to mutate and adapt, allowing it to persist in different conditions. Tardigrade is a new strain of…

Explaining Cybersecurity Audits (And the Three Tips for Running One)

You need more than the latest antivirus software to ensure your company’s network is secure. A cybersecurity audit helps you create a complete picture of your security strategy. Cybercrime has grown into one of the epidemics of modern times.  In 2018 alone, we saw 812.67 million instances of malware infection. Meanwhile, 2020 brought with it…