Copilot is enhancing productivity in Teams once again.

If you’re dedicated to boosting your team’s productivity to the max (and who wouldn’t be?), you’re going to be thrilled with the new upgrades Copilot is bringing to Microsoft Teams.

Picture this: You’re in the middle of a Teams meeting, ideas bubbling up non-stop. Even your fastest note-taker can’t keep up. But don’t worry—Copilot is on it. It can transcribe your discussions, grasp the nuances of your live chats, and distill key insights.

And it doesn’t end there. Ever wished you could retract a chat message to tweak your words? Copilot can assist with that, offering new message suggestions on the fly. This can save you considerable time and mental effort.

For phone calls, Copilot’s recap feature is also a game-changer for Teams Premium users, providing concise summaries. It’s almost like having the personal assistant you’ve always wanted—minus the coffee runs.

Microsoft has also upgraded video calls by making IntelliFrame the standard setting. This AI-driven feature ensures every participant is framed perfectly, eliminating awkward crops and disappearing faces.

With smoother team collaboration, more productive meetings, and Hollywood-style video calls, what’s not to love?

If you’re not leveraging Teams to its fullest yet, let us help. Contact us to get started.


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