Mobile Workstations May Change Your Work Life with Efficiency, Productivity, and Freedom

You may have a job where you’re mobile, moving around a lot throughout the day. Perhaps you work in manufacturing and you need to move from your office to the manufacturing floor, to shipping, and more. A desktop doesn’t allow for much mobility but a mobile workstation allows you to move and take your work with you. A mobile workstation will lead to less time wasted trying to switch between laptop and desktop. A mobile workstation can change your work life for the better. 


What is a mobile workstation?

Before we get into how to’s, benefits, and so forth, we need to clarify what a mobile workstation is, We are not referring to a cart or desk that you can wheel around the business as your work, nor are we referring to just a laptop; we get that all the time.

From outward appearances, a mobile workstation looks like a laptop other than its thickness. Laptops are great but they tend to lack a little performance with intensive applications when compared to a desktop. Applications like CAD, video editing, 3D animation, and the like. Mobile workstations help to close that gap. 

In addition to being a notebook computer with the clamshell case, a mobile workstation comes loaded with high-end computing features that you do not Sind in laptops. They include faster graphics processors, high-performance CPUs, and higher amounts of memory. Mobile workstations tend to weigh a bit more than laptops as they have more improved features and hardware. When you are a professional that uses the higher-end features in their work, a mobile workstation adds portability to your job that wasn’t a possibility in the past. 

Benefits of a mobile workstation 

There are many benefits to a mobile workstation, from mobility to morale. Let’s take a deeper look.

  • Morale
    • When your employees are stuck in a cubical at all times, unable to change their work settings, and can add to boredom. Employees also don’t like to be stuck in an inefficient work environment. 
  • Efficiency
    • In line with what we were mentioned above about employees not liking to be stuck in an inefficient work environment, mobile work station said efficiency to their work. When an employee needs to go to other locations in the business, such as the shop floor, it kills efficiency and productivity when they need to keep traveling back to their computer for things like data, email, CRM, etc. When employees can take their computer with them, it makes them that much more efficient. They can spend more time in each area in the business they need to be while being efficient. 
  • Worry-Free Travel
    • Say you need the high-end features for your work, and you do the lion’s share of your work on your desktop. Your laptop will not have those high-end features that you need to complete your day-to-day work. When you need to travel, you can’t take your desktop with you. A mobile workstation will have the features you need to complete your work efficiently.
  • The comfort of a desktop
    • When you use a docking station, you can still have the experience and comfort of your desktop and an office. You can set your office with a monitor(s) the way you like, with a docking station on your desk with the office chair you like and love. It gives you the office you may be most comfortable in when working with the mobility of changing up your work environment as needed. 
  • Freedom
    • In line with all the benefits of a mobile workstation, a major benefit is freedom. You can get up and go to where you need to do work. You can change up your work environment when you need a change. You can easily take your work, with the same features and efficiency with you when you need to travel. 

Do you have a mobile workstation? What did you choose a mobile workstation over a laptop? What do you like most about using a mobile workstation? 


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