Top Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Cloud Backup Solutions


Things happen, we get and we’ve seen it. You knowingly set your laptop down on a magnet that destroys your hard drive, or someone steals your laptop while you’re not looking. Maybe a particularly bad storm creates an intense power surge wiping out your data and your on-site backup. 

Not only can cloud backup help you on a personal level, but it’s also crucial for business. You can easily backup all of your business data to a cloud service. Many companies are providing quality cloud backup services. They each vary a little in different aspects. Some of the best companies in the industry are AmazonBackblaze Business, Carbonite, and Datto

Why should your business utilize cloud backup services? For many reasons! Let’s take a deeper look…

Cloud Backup is Affordable

Before the cloud, businesses had to store all of their backup data on physical storage devices. The devices cost money to purchase, take up physical space on-site or off-site if they chose, and required employees to manage and maintain them. As the business grew and its data grew, businesses were required to purchase more devices to expand their capacity.

Now that businesses have cloud backup as an option, it truly removes much of the pain for data backup. Cloud backup is affordable, requires no additional physical space of the business for the physical storage devices, the business doesn’t have to have its own employees to maintain the devices, and as your data grows, you simply acquire more cloud space. 

Cloud backup is a 24/7 service

With cloud backup, you are able to backup or retrieve your data at any time of any day of the week. The service is also simple. Cloud companies have their own team ensuring that your backup and retrieval of data goes smoothly without error. 

Prior to cloud backup, you had to set aside a large chunk of time to backup your data to a physical device. If an error happened during this backup, it typically resulted in data being damaged, deleted, or lost for good. 

Utilizing cloud backup services removes the risk that a physical backup presents. Also, in case of a disaster in which a business needs to recover data quickly, cloud services are by far the fastest option, mitigating downtime of a business. 


A huge convenience that cloud backup services afford, is automation. A business is able to set up when a backup happens, eliminating human error and the chance of a missed backup. This can remove a significant amount of stress from businesses no longer needing to worry if a backup is missed and that their backup is always complete and current. 

Safe & Secure

We’re all worried about our cybersecurity these days, some more than others. With the recent push to work-from-home due to the pandemic, we have seen a large increase in cyber attacks. Cloud backup services are safe and secure, offer end-to-end encryption services. Hackers are not able to get in and steal your data from the cloud backup. Cloud backup companies also have a vested interest in keeping your data secure. You may rest assured knowing they have your best interests in mind. 

We’ve been discussing ransomware over the past month. Ransomeware is when your network is hacked and the hackers lock your data, demanding a ransom for a business to be able to get their data back. Cloud backup services typically provide a backup report. When you begin to see reports with an unusually high number of recently changed files (Locky changes files extensions to .locky when they encrypt them) is the first indicator to businesses that they have been infected. 


Cloud backup services are an effective and efficient way to backup business data. It is extremely affordable and easy on the budget. Your business always has access to the service, being able to backup and retrieve your data at any time. Being ablate automate your business backups relieve hassle and stress. Cloud backup services are also extremely secure, ensuring you will not lose your data. There are many cloud backup companies out there that vary in different ways. Do your research to see which cloud backup company fits best for your business. 


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